Residential&Mixed Use

Franceningo, Italy
The development includes a restaurant/retail area at ground floor and eight apartments at first and second floor. The site was a former furniture factory which in the 60s used the power of the river below to operate the machineries. The approach was to keep the identity of the site and the area with the modular shape of the roof and the materials which included zinc, bricks and metal. The project is currently on site and due to be finished in 2014.

Moscow, Russia
The brief was to provide accommodation for public employees working in one of the government building of Moscow city centre and visitors. The project was an infill site which has to deal with the existing buildings in the sourroundings, keeping a relationship with the local architectural language in a modern approach.
The site had limitations in terms of underground carpark which had to be located at ground floor. This concept and the necessity to interlink the rear entrance of the existing building with the main entrance of the project, led to a interisting design solution for the internal courtyard, which had to deal with the level difference of the two entrances and the conformation of the site.